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for the Intro to CLI Workshop by DPOE-N


each year’s presentation is on its own branch


This single-day free webinar provides an introduction to the command line interface (CLI) and a few tools for digital preservation with a focus on audiovisual assets. It’s provided by the Digital Preservation Outreach & Education Network (DPOE-N), part of the Pratt Institute’s School of Information and New York University’s Moving Image Archiving Program (MIAP).

The official website for this webinar is located at this link

The presentation slides can be accessed at this link

Table of Contents

Tools list

Readings and Resources


Install Instructions


Tools Covered

While not an exhaustive list, the webinar will touch on some fundamental software to managing digital files, with an emphasis on audiovisual formats.

These tools include:



md5sum + shasum

BagIt + grabbags



Readings & Resources

Programming is Forgetting: Toward a New Hacker Ethic by Allison Parrish

Heroes in a Bash Shell by Command Line Heroes

ffmprovisr - an ffmpeg helper maintained by Ashley Blewer

Script Ahoy - a bash helper for archivists by Dianne Dietrich and Jarret Drake

Bash for Archivists - an intro course by Reto Kromer

Man Pages - the Wikipedia page for “man pages” aka manual pages, describing the history and use of manual pages in the command line


Part 1 - History, Context, Objectives

what the command line is, what we can do with it, why it matters

Part 2 - Intro to Commands

basic structures, navigation, inputs & outputs


Part 3 - CLI Tools for Digital Preservation

moving files, verifying integrity of files and metadata

Part 4 - CLI Tools for Audiovisual Formats

media file structure, MediaInfo + ffmpeg

Part 5 - Intro to Scripting

workflow setup, variables, loops, managing scripts

Install instructions

Test Files

Please download a set of test file sthat you’ll use for both days 1 and 2 at this link

Mac Setup Instructions

Macs ship with an application named “Terminal” which is their default command line interface. It will work great for this webinar, you may even see me using at some point.

We will be using something called a “package manager” to install the software tools we’re demo-ing. Package managers help people manage their software without the use of “installers” like you might be used to, they’re very common on Linux.

Once you have installed the package manager, Homebrew, proceed to the tools install section

Install Homebrew

For Mac, the package manager we’ll be using is called Homebrew. If you have administrative access to your machine, you can install homebrew with the steps on their website (it’s a Terminal command).

If you don’t have admin access on your Mac, you can still install Homebrew and the other tools for this workshop by using the below steps.

  1. Open Terminal
    • type Cmd + Space to search your mac
    • type terminal and press enter
  2. In Terminal, navigate to your home folder
    • type cd ~/ and press enter
  3. install Homebrew in your home folder
    • type the below and press enter
    • /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" and press enter
  4. Once that command completes, go to Terminal -> Preferences -> Shell
    • In the “Startup” Section, check the box to “Run Command”
    • type this command into the box export PATH=$PATH:${HOME}/brew/bin
    • Check the box to “Run inside shell”

With either install method, you can check if your install was successful by opening Terminal and typing brew help - if you get help output, you’re good; if you get an error, email me.

Windows setup instructions

This workshop is based on the BASH programming language/ shell, which is not available by default on Windows as it is on Mac. Windows uses a proprietary command-line interface referred to cmd.exe, originally released in 1993. It’s like bash in its operation but there are many, many syntactical and technical differences. While I have experience scripting on Windows, it was how I initially learned most of this, those skills are not very sharp at this time and I just don’t think I can support you at the level I’d need to in this workshop.

That being said, you are welcome to follow along in CMD and make the modifications necessary, if you’d like.

Otherwise, we’re going to install bash on your Windows machine, through the Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL). WSL is like having Linux installed, except without the headache of partitioning discs or creating bootable disc images - it’s Linux running as a Microsoft Windows application. It’s an official Windows software, so you can trust it at the same level you trust anything from them.

With WSL installed, we will then use the Ubuntu Linux package manager, apt-get, to install software.

Once you have installed WSL, proceed to the tools install section

Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

To install WSL, follow the instructions on the Microsoft website

Here is a great video describing the steps, as well

Install tools

This section assumes that you have completed the above steps to install Homebrew/ WSL

This software is installed entirely via the command line. Each command is written on its own line and will appear formatted like this. Type the command in exactly as you see it here and press enter after each command.


ffmpeg is one of the most important and widely-used software projects on earth - it’s the backbone of Netflix and Facebook streaming services, as well as VLC. ffmpeg helps people stream, transcode, and investigate audiovisual media files.


brew install ffmpeg


Choose one of the following options

apt-get install ffmpeg

Note that I haven’t tested every functionality of the above ffmpeg build. There may be commands which won’t work due to licensing issues with non-free formats (notably H.264 and mp3). The below build is ~probably better.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg


MediaInfo creates structured technical metadata from a variety of audiovisual media filetypes, everything from sample rates to listing subtitle tracks.


brew install mediainfo


apt-get install mediainfo


grabbags is a software tool maintained the Association of Moving Image Archivists Open Source Committee and it helps archivists manage bags in the manner of the Library of Congress’ BagIt specification.


brew tap amiaopensource/amiaos

brew install grabbags


cd ~/

git clone


As a project about open-source software, this presentation is also entirely open source. As such, it is built on top of the work of others, notably:

Lauren Sorensen, who spear-headed this whole thing

Juana Suarez, Jess Cayer, and the team at NYU MIAP - our gracious hosts who spent many hours reviewing applications

Nick Krabbenhoeft and Ben Turkus, who are doing the Day 2 of this series, an intro to Python

Ashley Blewer, Dianne Dietrich, Jarret Drake, Reto Kromer - as mentioned above, these people don’t just do good work they also share it

Morgan Morel, my bud who helped brainstorm all this

The presentation framework is reveal.js all images via me or Wikimedia Commons